Friday, March 20, 2015

Exciting New Plants for 2015

You’re Invited!


Flowering Pear in bloom at the nursery today

Here at Allisonville Nursery we are finally seeing signs of spring! This is a fantastic, fast paced season for those of us in the plant world, and I’m sure you as homeowners can relate.

If you’ve been around our store recently you’ve noticed a lot more color and a lot of busy people moving around outside. We have been receiving some fabulous looking new plants and can’t wait to share them with you!

Fortunately we’ve developed a great little overview of our buyers favorites for the upcoming season and we’re willing to give you the scoop on why they’re so phenomenal. This Saturday (3/21/15) at 10am there will be a seminar highlighting our perennial favorites and some wonderful woodies that are must haves.

Roxie and Jacques, our buyers here at Allisonville Nursery, have been working tirelessly to order the best, brightest, and boldest plants that will allow you to make a statement with you landscape regardless of size. They have decades of experience between the two of them, and it will be a real treat to glean some insight on what we can look forward to getting our hands on in the season to come! We’ll cover cool catmints, sultry false-indigo, gorgeous hydrangeas, and stylish dwarf conifers among many others.

Following our presentation, at 11am we will have our first monthly #AskAllisonville question and answer session. This round-table, panel discussion will allow gardeners of all backgrounds and skill levels to come ask the experts at Allisonville Nursery whatever’s on their mind. We will take questions from our visitors as well as from Twitter (use #AskAllisonville), Facebook, and our e-mailed inquiries ( and post an overview of topics covered online the following week.

So on Saturday morning while you’re out and about please stop by for one, or both events. We look forward to meeting you!